Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Economic analysis of deposit insurance Essay

Federal deposit Insurance Corporation was an institution set by government back in 1930s to protect depositors fund held by bank. In the great depression of 1930 most depositors lost their fund following the collapse of many banks. After the stock market crash in 1929, financial market was adversely affected and by March 1933 more than 9,000 banks had already failed and this facilitated establishment of FDIC. Henceforth it has been evolving and finding alternative ways of insuring depositors fund against potential bank insolvency. FDIC guarantees a specific amount of deposit and checking for member banks. Since it establishment FDIC paid depositors in 1988 following the banking crisis fueled by high interest rate, inflation, recession and deregulation in the banking sector. More than 200 banks were in a liquidity problem and FDIC had to intervene to settle claims by depositors. Role of deposit insurance in the economy The main purpose of deposit insurance is to create financial stability in the economy. Majority of people did not bother to check whether their deposit was insured under deposit insurance but following the current financial crisis which started in mid 2007 which saw many banks and other company becoming insolvent most people are  Ã‚  increasingly becoming aware of the role and importance of deposit insurance in the economy. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 temporarily increased the basic limit of deposit insurance from $100,000 to $250,000 (Robert, 2009). Advocates of free market view deposit insurance as part of government intervention in the market and criticize it on the basis that a competitive market is self regulating and will act to correct any deviation that occurs in the market. however the great depression of 1930s and the current financial crisis   has proved that the market is not always self regulating and therefore there is a need for government intervention as proposed by Keynes in order to correct deviation in the market. although the classical economist argued that   in a competitive market system price, wages and interest rate would automatically adjust to restore the economy to full employment levels there existed certain factors such as investment demand, money demand, union and monopoly power that inhibited the automatic mechanism assumed by classical writers. Keynes advocate for discretion fiscal policies given the failure of automatic forces as a counter cyclical device to oppose advance trends in business cycles. In period of massive unemployment and depression, expansionary fiscal policy was required by government to solve the problem in less time than automatic forces ever could (Stephen, 2008). Deposit insurance creates confidence among the public and avoid panic withdrawals as those occasioned in UK when information reached the public that northern bank was experiencing liquidity problem and many account holder were queuing to withdraw there money from the bank. During the current financial crisis where many bank were declared insolvent FDIC compensated many deposit holders who  would otherwise lost their deposit. This not only helps to maintain financial stability but also improve economic growth (Robert & George, 2006). Where people receive compensation they will be able to increase the level of spending on goods and services. This increase in aggregate demand forces supplies to increase output in order to satisfy the growing demand. Supplies will in turn require additional input in term of labor, material and capital which reduces unemployment and increase economic growth.   The graph below indicates the role that deposit insurance can play during economic crisis for instance the current financial crisis.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poverty in the United States Essay

Poverty is a serious issue not only in third world countries but also here in the United States. Discussing the nature of poverty in the United States is important because through understanding we will find solutions. Gaining insights into the issue of poverty can be used to understand the complexity of the subject. Poverty has been defined as a state of deprivation of goods and services that essential to the maintenance of an adequate standard of living in a given society. Although the concept of poverty is considered relative, it cannot be denied that it magnifies the problem concerning inequality in a particular society (Levitan). The struggle of poverty impacts people’s day-to-day life. It is easy to hide some things in life but, poverty is not one of them. There are 633,782 homeless people in cities throughout the United States (St. Francis). Poor people have no place to live and are being exposed to nature’s elements, bacteria, and harmful illness can cause threat to the health of these individuals. The environment is being impacted as well, because there is nowhere to put waste or garbage other than on the ground. This is why it is important to gain insight and understand poverty so that we can help these people and the earth. When a person is living in poverty it is humiliating and weighs on an individual’s self-esteem as well as their families and is very difficult to overcome. Poverty is not always a choice, but it is a situation that can be prevented. If people everywhere take something from every book, article or essays that has been written and are willing to recognize and do something about it then it is a problem that can be fixed. There is not a perfect plan or a perfect solution to the poverty problem but, the aim is to decrease the number of individuals and families living in poverty drastically. There are many families living in poverty and there are an equal amount of thoughts and opinions on why people live in poverty such as drug and alcohol use, domestic violence and foreclosure just to name a few. Individuals have a difficult time taking care of themselves can you imagi ne having to try to provide for a family on next to nothing every day. Without a street address these families do not qualify to get welfare assistance such as food stamps, Medicaid, or housing assistance. Without housing assistance people are forced to stay in shelters and if they don’t make to a shelter by a certain  time they go without a warm place to sleep and without food that night. Some people wait in long lines all day for a spot at the shelter only to be turned away because there is just not enough space for everyone. A good way to alleviate or even eliminate this problem is to build more shelters or use some of the abandoned buildings in poverty stricken neighborhoods for the poor people to sleep in. Have stipulations in these shelters that individuals and their families are guaranteed more than one night as long as they abide by guidelines provided, kind of like a contract. So they are not just getting help they are in a sense helping their selves. Different situations have different solutions, there is a difference between a person living in poverty because you’re a war veteran and just having a hard time and living in poverty because you are and addict and everything you have is spent on drugs and alcohol. In these newly built or refurbished shelters with these stipulations, programs can be offered to help transition into a better way of living. Yes, then there is the issue of money and where will it come from. Nobody has money lying around just to give away so charity events, fundraisers, donations, volunteers and maybe even some help from government agencies would help. The children of these families living in poverty suffer most. Research shows that poverty in the first five years of a child’s life changes the life of a child compared to if they were to live in poverty later in life. This is because poverty is associated with poor nutrition; poor nutrition leads to lower intelligence, bad physical development, and poor immune systems. â€Å"Children deprived of proper nutrition during the most informative years score much lower on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, arithmetic, and general knowledge. The more severe the poverty a child faces, the lower his or her nutritional level is likely to be (Brown&Pollitt).† Many children that are labeled bad kids with behavioral problems are really just lacking nutritional value. A child that is hungry is more likely to act o ut and have greater difficulty focusing than a well fed child. There are government programs that offer assistance with nutrition such as W.I.C and Healthy Schools but the guidelines are very strict and fall short in making sure that every child living in poverty has adequate nutrition. So, this problem can be solved by changing the guidelines and making it easier for a family living in poverty to feed our future. People might say this is not my problem, I’m not living in poverty  so what does this have to do with me? Truth be told everyone is affected by poverty. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, â€Å"There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society, with a large segment of people in that society, who feel they have no stake in it; who feel they have nothing to lose. People, who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don’t have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it (Dr.MartinLutherKingJr.).† According to the history of our nation, the safety and equality of the people of our society relies on everyone individually and as a whole nation as one. If that’s the way the world is meant to be then why are people living in poverty treated so differently? Upper class doesn’t make you better than a person living in poverty, money doesn’t make you bad or good and the same goes for poverty. The founders of our nation fought hard for a country where everyone is treated as a person equally but, that is not the case when thousands of people still live in poverty every day. â€Å"Anybody that has ever spent a morning at the Department of Motor Vehicles or stood in the line at the Post Office should understand that simply because the government is handling the problem, doesn’t mean it’s being handled properly (St. Francis)†. The next time you see someone a little down and out stop to give them a minute and see if you can help them in any way, remember that poverty does not make them any less a human than you. I believe the proposed solutions will work because if its believable than its achievable and our system has proven in other situations to be reliable so let use it for the good of the people of our country that could use a hand up not a hand out. For people to be sick on the street, forced to sleep on cardboard or dirt, and have to beg other people to help them is not humane or the American way and should not be tolerated any longer. Works Cited Brown&Pollitt. â€Å"Malnutrition, Poverty and Intellectual Development.† Pollitt, L. Brown & E. n.d. Dr.MartinLutherKingJr. â€Å"†Letter From Birmingham Jail†.† April 1963. Levitan, Sar A. â€Å"†Poverty† In the Lexicon Universal Encyclopedia.† 1990: pages 478-480 Vol. 15. St. Francis, Nancy. â€Å"Homelessness in America 2013.† 2013.

Dickens’ and Bronte’s Definition of Class Essay

People of the lower classes in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre have no way of achieving higher status unless they come across a miracle, such as receiving a previously unknown inheritance. This is shown in both the novels of Jane Eyre and Oliver Twist. Both of the main characters grow up in similar situations; they are both orphans and because of that fact they are treated like they were criminals from birth. Although Jane is better off than Oliver in the places that she lives, they both go through some of the same emotions throughout the novels. Both Dickens and Bronte lived in the same time period and their novels were published within ten years of each other. In their novels they show the England they perceived as one that is overly obsessed with class. Neither of the authors agreed with this obsession and criticized it in their own ways. Dickens showed this by using sarcastic remarks when describing the rich, and (as well as Bronte) characterized almost all of the upper class as being immoral in one way or another. They put the point across that just because a person is born poor doesn’t make them any less intelligent, polite, or morally inapt. In the novel of Oliver Twist, Dickens describes that poor people are just as intelligent and good as the rich, it’s the way the rich treat them that forces the poor to steal. Through out the novel he sets examples of how intelligent and good Oliver Twist is treated like an animal just because he is an orphan. One of many examples of this is Mrs. Sowerberry’s reaction when her husband gets Oliver to come over to help with the undertaking business and to live with them. She talks about Oliver as though he is an animal, â€Å"I see no saving in parish children, not I; for they always cost more to keep than they are worth.† (p30) This theme is similar in Jane Eyre. Bronte shows that orphans, unless they have money, are viewed as the lowest class of a house hold. Jane encounters this throughout her childhood, it was first brought to her attention by Mrs. Reed who says, â€Å"†¦you are less than a servant, for you do nothing for your keep.† (p69) Like Oliver, Jane does nothing to deserve such a harsh classification, except for being born. They both try their best to follow the rules and to be good people. Poor people basically have two choices to live in 19th century England as shown in Oliver Twist they could live on the streets by begging and/or stealing, eventually being put into jail or to death because of the anti begging laws and harsh penalties for stealing. The other choice the poor have is to work in the workhouses for no money, scarce food, and poor treatment. Upper class England created these workhouses to better the lower class by teaching them to be humble, have discipline and good morals. Ironically the workhouses created just the same thing they intended to get rid of, criminals. The food was so scarce that it forced them to steal and fight, and the treatment of the children were so bad it made them alienated from normal society. Bronte describes the same attitude of the upper class while Jane is at Lowood, though it is not as extreme as the workhouses Dickens talks of. The girls of Lowood were all orphans and because of that they obviously had to be corrected for they were naturally going to turn into bad people. So Mr. Brockelhurst thought that good morals come from no food, plainness, lack of necessities and constant humiliation. This produced an â€Å"every man for themselves† society among the girls when the faculty was gone. The older girls got to be the closest to the fire when it was cold, and when ever they had a chance they would take food from the younger, weaker girls. â€Å"From this deficiency of nourishment resulted an abuse, which pressed hardly on the younger pupils: when ever the famished great girls had an opportunity, they would coax or menace the little ones out of their portion.† (JE BV p122) If things had not changed for the better in that school Jane may have become a very different person than she turned out to be. Though both Jane and Oliver are supposed to be immoral and no good orphans in 19th century England’s eyes, they have the highest set of morals than any other person in their stories. Oliver never wants to steal from anybody and never starts a fight unless his family is concerned. Even though all of the people he hung out with were thieves he just couldn’t do it, stealing horrified him and he wanted no part in it. Jane refuses to marry Rochester because she believes it to be wrong to stoop herself down to a mistress. She also thinks it is wrong to marry for money and not love. Jane displays this  by turning down St James although he has a high standing in society, she feels he is a wicked man and would not be happy if she were to marry such a man. The immoral people in both novels, are the upper class who believe themselves to be better than the main characters. Mr. Bumble, for example, marries Mrs. Corney because of her wealth and nothing to do with her as a person. When he came to flirt with her he checked around her apartment for expensive things that would distinguish her as wealthy. â€Å"He opened the closet, counted the tea-spoons, weighed the sugar-tongs, closely inspected a silver milk-pot to ascertain that it was of the genuine metal†¦and spreading himself before the fire with his back towards it, seemed to be mentally engaged in taking an exact inventory of the furniture† (p185) To make the situation even more ironic, Mrs. Corney is only wealthy because she stole the money for the poor people’s food and clothing and kept it for herself. She jokes about how the cats have a better life than those of the people she looks after. By the end of the story the couple is described as miserable. In the novel of Jane Eyre, Mr. Brockelhurst is supposed to be a religious and moral man, but he deprives the children of food and clothing to benefit his own pocket. He is a hypocrite also for example, he tells a girl with curly hair to get it cut off, when his own daughter has the same kind of curly hair. His attitude and the attitudes of other middle upper class people are all the same of that time. They think that they deserve to have the curly hair and the extra money at the expense of the poor, because they are physically and divinely better than them. Though all of this injustice is happening to the poor, they have no way to fight back. They don’t even have rights in court houses. When Oliver is brought to trial for pick pocketing, the judge, Mr. Fang, sentences Oliver even though there is no hard evidence and a testimony saying he is innocent. Oliver can not even talk in his own defense, partly because he is so tired and hungry and party because the magistrate wouldn’t give him the chance to. If the book keeper had not demanded to speak in Oliver’s defense, Oliver would have surely died. When Jane was living with her aunt she had no say at all in what was done with her. She could be beat by John Reed and tormented  by her aunt Reed and she would had to take it. Marriage and class is a subject that both Bronte and Dickens speak of. They both believe that the English tradition of marrying for money and status were absurd and that marrying for love was the true way to happieness. This is exhibited in many examples in Oliver Twist. For one, Oliver is born out of true love and he turns out to be a good boy and always makes moral decisions. Oliver’s half brother, Monks was born of a fixed, loveless, financial marriage, and he turned out to be evil and mischievous his whole life. Dickens also describes the love between Rose and Harry. The people of England were so critical on who one married, that Rose didn’t want to marry Harry because she felt that people would think that she slept with him before marriage just to get his money and that Harry would be shunned by his peers for marrying her. When they finally did marry, they were very happy with each other. As opposed to Bumble’s marriage which turned out to be miserable for him and his wife. Jane ends up marrying Rochester out of love rather than St James for money and status. But she was more comfortable in marrying him when that she got her money because she felt like an equal to him, rather than a servant. Dickens and Bronte touch on the same subjects through out their novels and have a lot of the same view points. The time that they wrote was one of extreme pettiness and cruelty. It would be safe to say that both authors wrote for different reasons than just to entertain. Points were made about the absurdity of marriage, of being â€Å"born† into divine upper or lower class, and of horrible ways humans treated each other just because they thought they were better. Both novels had the few good people that helped out Oliver and Jane so that they could get by in life long enough to receive their long lost inheritance. These books show that poor people are equal to the rich ones in intelligence, moral values, and politeness. They also made evident that the way society was running in those days was hurting way too many good people of England.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Microsoft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Microsoft - Essay Example the CSR initiatives on stakeholders, and how these initiatives influenced the corporate image and reputation for the MNE and; recommendations to improve CSR initiatives within the company. The paper finds out that the outcomes from Microsoft adopting CSR integration are far much profitable and has helped the company in upholding employee loyalty thereby increasing productivity. Commercial Social Responsibility is progressively vital section in the commercial world. The major impression that several persons have in the direction of organizations is that industries are taking gain on customers in addition to the society. In their attentions, they contemplate that trading are entirely about money-making, and they caution less about the people, the surroundings, and human moralities issues. They see not to donate abundant to society. In detail, numerous businesspersons want to wipe away the undesirable image. Commercial Social Duty Chan 2 of organizations in-built in people’s thoughts and substantiate that by means of their actions. The drift of corporations engaging in generally liable actions is increasing. Companies, comprising small and average sized businesses, are currently at work to launch various platforms and plans that can balance both areas of cost-effectiveness and social responsibility (Mullerat & Brenman, 2011). In the subsequent units, I will first outline corporate societal accountability and chat the significance of being a answerable corporate civilian to Microsoft company. Microsoft is among the major Multinational enterprises that has involved in incorporating CSR, in their operation. One of the major motive for Microsoft to adopt CSR is to boot the corporations reputation and rises brad attentiveness (Kotler and Lee, 2013). The firm becomes further standout, associated to others contained by the similar business even when they piece similar rate and merchandise quality. This also uplift auctions as clients will be further likely select the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

For or against a charge of crimes against humanitarian law Essay

For or against a charge of crimes against humanitarian law - Essay Example However, the Rape of Nanking surpasses this contradiction as one of the most atrocious in the history of humankind. This long forgotten atrocity of the Second World War is a crime against humanity, both in the legal and human point of view. War crimes are defiance of the rules of war or, generally, of international humanitarian law, that sustain individual criminal liability (Chang 1998). Even though constraints on waging war date back roughly in the 6th century BC in China, by the time of the First World War, nations had recognized that particular infringements of the rules of war, a great deal of which had been written in the 1899 and 1907 Hague Conventions, were crimes (Yamamoto 2000). The history of every nation narrates some disreputable and detestable episodes that peoples of other nations still denounce and the people of that offending nation would want to disregard, forget, or even, in some cases, rationalize. Among these controversial events in human history is the Rape of N anking which is incomparable due to the extraordinary level of attention given to it for an unusually duration of time. In spite of the effort and time of large numbers of people who have tackled this issue, nevertheless, there seems to be no agreement over such important issues as to the manner of and reason for the occurrence of Rape of Nanking and the extent of the slaughter. The manner American scholars have viewed and treated the topic of the Rape of Nanking are critically blemished, leading to a faulty scrutiny and assumption (Yamamoto 2000). As a result, large numbers of American people embrace the assumption of such a defective analysis and knowledge and build their own perspectives, several of them anomalous, about the occurrence and about the Japanese perpetrators generally. The most severe case of how the absolute recognition of the traditionalist perspective spreads out is as illustrated below (Yamamoto 2000: 4): Consider that the United States, on all fronts, lost 323,0 00 in the four years of World War II. Or that at Auschwitz the Nazis killed on average 350,000 every two months. The Japanese killed roughly the same number in a few months without the benefit of the technology of mass murder available to the Nazis and without the advantage of concentration camps†¦ What’s more, the Japanese troops weren’t ‘specialized’: nothing comparable to the Einsatzgruppen [task forces] existed in their military. These were the boys next door†¦ the Rape of Nanking reminds us how recently Japan emerged from its medieval age; a scant 140 years ago, less than 100 at the time of the Rape. A reader of this passage may claim that this is a judgment of a fanatic and that most people do not agree with it. However, I must argue that this description, though disgusting and unbelievable it may seem, is rationally made. The author of this passage is nevertheless more rational or realistic than other writers who claim that the number of f atalities is at 300,000 and insists that the government of Japan should acknowledge its legal accountability for the acts of violence and pay damages to the victims (Yamamoto 2000). Given that the number of lost human lives in Nanking had actually been that sizeable as to challenge all time-honored knowledge, one may embrace the assumption contained in the above excerpt: the Japanese people were, and perhaps remain, innately bizarre. If the Japanese peop

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizations in Social Responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Organizations in Social Responsibilities - Essay Example And often the law demonstrates our imperfections and uncertainties. Socially responsible behavior is crucial for companies because they, above all, should embody social principles and ideals that must not be violated easily or at all (Beauchamp & Bowie 2003). Organizations should engage in socially responsible behavior because it is a core of business and fair economic relations. We could not live in a community in which taking what one wants had no consequences. So the socially responsible behavior based on law is both a set of structures for social stability and a set of moral guideposts. Individuals rarely cross the border from legal to illegal behavior. But crime is a fact of our everyday life. Organizations should engage in socially responsible behavior because it drives their actions and strategic directions. "Establishing CSR allows a firm to take corrective action by punishing employees who do not comply with company standards and rewarding those who do. For instance, precepts such as 'do not give wrong information ..., do not look for reciprocity" (Boatright 1997, p. 54). When a man assumes responsibility for managing the marketing behavior of a large corporation, he is dealing with every business law of the land, from antitrust to post office regulations. Socially responsible behavior is a framework of business activities and long-term relations. 2.2. Friedman once said 'The social responsibility of firms is to make a profit' (Friedman 1970). Critically evaluate this view given the challenges faced by organisations today to manage a variety of stakeholders. Friedman's statement is based on the unique nature of business and trade relations. The primary aim of any corporations is to make a profit and increase revenues. A company cannot exist without financial resources and marketing activities (even a non-for-profit organizations need financial donations and giving). For many companies, adoption of social responsibilities is no longer a matter of option for major enterprises if the business is to be relevant to the new social progress concerns and social value changes. The business concept offers a conceptual framework for integrating the firm's relationship to its ultimate environment. The main problem is that organizations cannot use personal gains and profit maximization priorities dealing with diverse stakeholders. Friedman is right that social responsibility of a firm of a profit but any company operates in a complex environment and becomes a part of this environment. Companies are forced to follow ethical and moral values as an exte nsion of traditional management and marketing concepts with redefinitions of mission, service, consumer, product, and profit (Boatright, 1997). Companies are obliged to care for the public welfare, especially the interests of shareholders and other "owners" of corporate property, by telling the truth and by resisting unethical propositions. The principle is veracity (truth telling); the assumption about consequences is that airing a grievance will lead to conflict resolution and that all parties, including society per se, will be better off if legal and moral norms are adhered to. The capacity to reflect seems quite limited in this case. The responsibility of business is to manage variety of stakeholders including employees, customers and community. Even if there is a conflict between professional responsibilities

Friday, July 26, 2019

Scripture Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scripture Interpretation - Essay Example In addition, verses like Job 9:6 suggest that the earth is flat which has already been proven to be incorrect. Hence, this illustrates that scriptures can be better understood by culmination of processes which involve understanding the history of interpretation of the bible as well as the times during which the interpretation was made. This paper will illustrate the history of scriptures and how they were written and interpreted over the years. In addition, there will also be an assessment on the different views that are taken by different religions and how the interpretations vary. Authors such as Karen Armstrong (2007) suggest that interpreting texts too literally is dangerous for society and has led to the rise of religious extremists in different beliefs. Armstrong (2007), states that there is a large amount of criticism by atheists accusing Christianity of many unethical acts whilst extremists that perform acts of terror quote the Quran. Historically there was no orthodoxy in the scripture from the beginning was never written in a monolithic voice, hence making it impossible to interpret literally. For example, the Quran is written in the form of parables as it is the only which can be used to describe God and likewise Jesus in the bible was such a significant figure that it was impossible to describe him with a single definition. This shows that the scriptures were never meant to be interpreted literally, as many individuals can create contrasting arguments both using scriptures in the bible. An example, of this is the argument for and against slavery. Sl ave owners were capable of providing a well supported argument using texts from the bible whilst slaves could use the same bible to oppose slavery. This point illustrates the issue of interpretation in the bible, in addition, the book was written by numerous authors who were all using the voice of God and at times did not

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Evaluation Proposal Prospectus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Evaluation Proposal Prospectus - Essay Example The present study will be conducted on the basis of participant observation, where the researcher has planned to interview eight elderly patients and healthcare staff members each to explore the nature of diseases as well as the method of care provided to the aged. The researcher looks for completing his research within 3 to 4 weeks. The participant observation will also be supported with the questions established in the interview schedule, so that psychological problems could also be revealed. The research will be supported with the studied carried out in past on the same or relevant topics and the researcher will add the relevant literature in the study. After the completion of the paper, the findings will be analyzed by applying statistical tests. The senior citizens are an important part of every social set up, which have rendered noteworthy services for the political, social, cultural and economic growth of their country. Since they are not capable of playing their role in the same effective manner as they had performed it at their young age, they are being neglected and ignored by an overwhelming majority of society. â€Å"Abuse and neglect of elderly persons†, Mildenberger & Wessman submit, â€Å"particularly by adult family members, is a serious social and health phenomenon that cannot be ignored. Physical therapists who deal with elderly persons must prepare themselves to recognize signs of abuse and neglect and to become familiar with existing intervention agencies and outlets for prevention. (1986: 2) Political authorities have established healthcare centers and institutions for the adequate look after of the aged people. In addition, private sector is also working efficiently in this field on non profit basis to provide them with care and supervision under a comfortable environment. Hence, the health improvement of the aged community is vital both for public and private health sectors.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Twelve Angry Men Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Twelve Angry Men - Movie Review Example This paper explores the film â€Å"Twelve Angry Men† directed by Sidney Lumet. Contrast and conflicts give birth to progression of the plot of a play and the film ‘Twelve Angry Men’ is not an exception in this regard. The film seriously involves and implements the process of consensus-building. Along with it, the difficulty implicated in developing these phenomena is explicitly dealt in the film. The difficulties in reaching a common point in between twelve men who ranges from varied personalities enhance the intensity and seriousness of the conflict of reaching into a common platform. The content of the film is made poignant to the extent that even the names of the characters are presented in a subvert manner in the film. Only the names of the two jurors appear before the audience while they swap their names while going out from the courthouse. The film â€Å"The Twelve Angry Men† can be perceived as lesson in conflicts. The men do not know each other, not even the audience know anything about them individually. Yet their personality, philosophy towards life and their ideologies all become pertinent through their conflicts expressed and resolved throughout the film. The exposition of the conflict captivates the film from opening to its denouement and persists till its ending. The exposure of the conflict within the plot is slow but it is steady and indicates an exercise of divergent leadership style within the same platform. The conflict presented in the film launches its audience into a plane where there is no resolution of the conflict.

Professional bodies and ethical behaviors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Professional bodies and ethical behaviors - Essay Example According to the study conducted through the professional body of an organization, the organization is in a general position, to explain to its employees what is wrong and what is right. The professional bodies are endowed with the expertise and knowledge on how to deal with various forms of conflicts that may be existent in the organization. In the case of conflicts between the employees and the organization, the code of ethics comes in as a result, in an endeavor to solve the conflict, in a free and fair manner. Absence of professional bodies in organizations has proven total futility in solving employer-employee conflicts in the workplaces. Since the professional bodies have the experience in their jobs, they explain breaching of rules and regulations of the organization to the employees and follow up to ensure that they correct their previous mistakes. For any organization to flourish, an application of the values of the organization cannot be alienated from a successful shaping of the ethical behavior among the employees. Through the professional bodies in various organizations, Ragg indicates that these bodies are the best teams to explain the concept of values to the employees. Analysts and researchers argue that in most organizations that have recorded exemplary performances, the services of professional bodies have been incorporated in the implementation and explanation of the concepts of policies in the organization. ... Since the professional bodies have the experience in their jobs, they explain breaching of rules and regulations of the organization to the employees and follow up to ensure that they correct their previous mistakes (Mutch, 2008, pp.221). 2.2 Professional bodies and values of the organization For any organization to flourish, an application of the values of the organization cannot be alienated from a successful shaping of the ethical behavior among the employees. Through the professional bodies in various organizations, Ragg (2011, pp. 32) indicates that these bodies are the best teams to explain the concept of values to the employees. Analysts and researchers argue that in most organizations that have recorded exemplary performances, the services of professional bodies have been incorporated in the implementation and explanation of the concepts of policies in the organization. Consequently, employees have been indicated to operate within the confines of values of the organization, h onesty, commitment, and hard work amongst others. In the long run, thanks to the professional bodies, the organizations have enjoyed maximum cooperation from the employees. Minimal conflicts in the workplace mean that there is overall cooperation among all the departments in the organization. The performance, in terms of outputs, as a result, records an uphill trend, with the organization enjoying profits as a result. 2.3. Professional bodies and the law From time to time, organizations require the professional services, in relation to ethical behaviors of organizations. In one way or another, the organization will be required to seek information on whether what they term as codes of ethics comply with the law. Accessing professional information is only possible through the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Risk and return of entrepreneurial investments Essay

Risk and return of entrepreneurial investments - Essay Example In this regard, venture capital partnerships have played a significant role and have made this industry grow (Kaplan and Schoar, 2003). In order to validate their claim, Kaplan and Schoar (2003) analysed the history of venture capital partnerships which had increased in the year of 1990 from less than $10 billion to over $180 billion till the year of 2000. Entrepreneurial investments require taking many risks and return measurement methods. But, before going to take risk, capital is required to be available for the purpose of investments. Many methods are available that can be used for the purpose of arranging capital. Venture capital can be a good source of finance. In which mostly, wealthy individuals provide their capital to investment companies, small business, and limited partnerships. This type of capital is collected to invest in a new business or ventures. A considerable amount of capital is required to invest with the intent of receiving high returns.Furthermore, angel investors also provide capital for those who wants to establish their small business or those who want to become investment entrepreneurs. This type of capital is mostly provided and given for a one-time injection. This one time injection provides a root to grow the tree of a business or investment. Also, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) can also be used for the purpose of raising capital. This raised capital can be used for the purpose of doing further investment in different and variety of assets. But, using this method of collecting capital requires a company to issue a publically tradable shares and securities. After arranging and investing capital, return can be measured and understood with the use and application of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The internal rate of return provides a figure of the annual yield on an investment (Gottschalg & Phalippou, 2007). This yield measurement tool is considerably helpful to determining the level of yield that can be expected from a set of investments. A particular numerical method of the internal rate of return is used to obtain the figure of yield. Also, Net Present Value (NPV) is a widely used as a tool of evaluation. This tool of evaluation can be used to determine and highlight an investment project from a set of different investment projects that have positive cash flows. Thus, the posi tive net cash flows authenticate and validate to go with the project for the purpose of investment. In the subsequent parts of this piece of work, first, private equity funds, angel investors, venture capitalists, IPOs are further elaborated. Then, IRR and NPV are explained. But before conclusion, some focus is given to US or EU returns of entrepreneurial finance are explained. Private Equity Funds____________________________________ Private equity is not quoted like public equity in the capital markets. Fund managers first try to arrange some funds. And subsequently, these funds are invested into public and private companies. Various sources are available that can be used for the purpose of raising funds. For example, angle investors, venture capitalists and so on. Mostly, it is these sources that play a vital and pivotal role in raising funds. Additionally, some academic gurus call them institutional investors as well. Various reasons can require a need to raise funds or capital. Sometimes, a company may require to facilitate and to fulfil the purchase needs of new assets to add to the efficiency of a business; to fulfil a short term

Monday, July 22, 2019

Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck - Coursework Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck Coursework Essay Of Mice and Men was set in the 1930s in North California. This was a time of economic hardship due to the Wall Street Crash. Men were forced to leave their families and find work on ranches. Pay and working conditions were poor. Men scraped by, spending any extra money they had gambling or in one of the many whore houses. This is where Steinbeck drew his inspiration from; he spent time on the ranches experiencing the hardships experienced by the workers. The book is about these workers and the extremely lonely lives they led. It also exposes underlying themes of racism and how badly the disabled were treated. This was a time when people looked after number one, as there was nobody else to do this for them. The two main characters are somewhat different, as they travel and work together, looking out for each other. This was very unusual because life would have been hard enough without the extra responsibility of looking after another person. The two main characters have just been evicted from their work in a town called Soledad (which means loneliness). They are the only people in the book whose names Christian names are actually used. It shows that nobody makes the effort to make friends enough to be on first name terms. This is symbolic of the loneliness of each of the characters and shows how unusual the two main characters are. The two main characters are called George ands Lennie. There is very little information about them in the book. They work for their keep on the ranches. Lennie is slightly brain damaged and has a very limited memory. He is an enormous man and Steinbeck often compares his actions with those of a large, clumsy animal using similes and metaphors: Dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. These are intended to subtly give the reader the impression that Lennie is big and clumsy, like an animal that does not know its own strength; Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water. George is exactly the opposite of Lennie. He is small, dark and quick, and is cautious about his surroundings; The small man stepped nervously George is always on the look out and he knows how to look after himself. The town they had just come from was called Weed which could signify that they were unwanted, like a weed, there: they were forced out of there because Lennie made a mistake. He had grabbed a woman and she said that he had raped her. George is very much the dominant figure in the relationship and makes all the decisions. At the very start you can tell this because Lennie copies George in the way he looks and acts; Lennie, who had been watching imitated George exactly. This suggests that Lennie looks up to George and wants to be just like him. This is quite sad really as he has ended up nothing like him. Lennie hates to make George angry, like a dog that hates to make his master angry. George feels responsible for Lennie. He is like a father figure to him, and he knows that Lennie would never be able to survive without him. He feels a sense of duty because Aunt Clara told him to look after Lennie. The other reason they travel together is George, though he doesnt like to admit it, enjoys Lennies company and he doesnt want to let go of the American Dream. They share the dream of owning their own place with a few animals; livin off the fatta the lan'. George knows it is very unlikely to happen but Lennie still believes and always likes to hear the story of how its gonna be. This is painful for George and he is reluctant to talk about it. You can tell it is important to Lennie because he forgets anything he is told but he remembers the dream. George and Lennie are always dreaming of the future. When George and Lennie arrive on the ranch, the ranch hands and the boss are suspicious of their relationship. They suspect that George is taking Lennies stake for himself; I said what stake you got in this guy? You takin his pay away from him? They cannot see why someone else would travel with someone who would restrict them unless they were getting paid. They are lonelier than George and Lennie, and have no real concept of friendship. Despite having Lennie as a companion, George is also lonely. He is alone in his responsibility for Lennie. In a way it is more like speaking to an animal than a human when speaking to Lennie because George knows that whatever he says to him will be forgotten and mean nothing. From the very beginning we get a hint of this by the way Lennie is made to seem more like a responsibility than a friend to George. Lennie is made to seen like an animal, like a terrier that doesnt want to bring his ball back to his master, maybe signifying that he is like a pet that always needs looking after. Steinbeck also uses George playing solitaire as a metaphor for his loneliness; George cut the cards again and put out a solitaire lay, slowly and deliberately. George lays the cards out like he has done it many time before. Solitaire is a single player game (and solitaire is derived from solitary), this shows that Lennie is not capable of acting like an adult and so George must play on his own. George is held from having his own life by the responsibility of caring for Lennie. He continuously tells Lennie how life would be without him; how he could have a girl and a decent job: God amighty, if I was alone I could live so easy The truth though, is that George would be even lonely without Lennie. It is ironic at the end of the book that George should be so upset by the death of Lennie, because then he realiz es that he will have to spend all the rest if his time alone. You never know what you have until it is gone. One of the ranch workers, Candy, features heavily in the book. He tries to join the friendship of George and Lennie. Candy is extremely lonely. He has been working on the ranch for many years and due to his disability. He is unable to leave because he knows that no other employer would take him on. The only reason he has got work now, is that he suffered the injury to his hand on the ranch. He has seen many men come and go but he cannot move on. Candy knows he will probably die on the ranch. Candy is very talkative because he is so eager to make friends. He warms to this gossip because he on his own when all the workers are in the fields. As soon as he meets George and Lennie he engages them in conversation, hardly letting them speak. He lets out all the opinions, about Curley and his wife and the other ranch hands that he has formed and never had anybody to tell them to. In fact the only sort of a friend he has is an old dog. The dog is old, has no teeth and it stinks. The dog is used to symbolise Candy: old and useless. The dog is also used as a foreshadowing device for Lennies death. When Carlson tells him that he should kill the dog he tries to stop him by making up excuses: Maybe itd hurt him, and tries to put the inevitable off; wants to spend just one more day with the dog by killing it in the morning. The only reason Candy had left to live was the dog so in a way Carlson killed a part of him. The dog is also used as a second foreshadowing device for what George has to do to Lennie in the conclusion of the book. Lennie, unlike the dog, however will be killed by the only person he trusts in the world. This will come from the pressure of other people. In the early 20th Century, blacks were heavily persecuted because of their colour. The stable buck is called Crooks and is discriminated because he is a black; Spose you couldnt go into the bunkhouse and place rummy cause you were black. He is kept apart from the other ranch hands because of his race. He is very nervous when Lennie enters his room. This is because crooks has his own living space away from the other men. The only people he sees are probably going to insult or hurt him so he is immediately on guard when someone comes in to his room. He is also discriminated against because of his crippled back, which means that he cant work in the fields like the other men. Crooks reveals his past to Lennie in his barn. The irony that his father used to own his own ranch and once he used to lead a comfortable life must be extremely painful for him to relive when he thinks about his present lonely self. That is probably why he is so bitter towards the other men who are treating him so harshly. Crooks is always dreaming of the past; Remember when I was a little kid on old mans chicken ranch. The other men would probably dream of having their own space but Crooks is so lonely he would rather be with other people; A guy ne eds somebody to be near him. All Crooks has for company is a small collection of books that he reads over and over again. It must be very lonely being on your own all the time when he thinks about what it had been like when he owned his own ranch. Sometimes he almost goes crazy with loneliness; Maybe if he sees somethin, he dont know whether its right or not. He cant turn to the other guy and ast him if he sees it too, He is only admitting this because he knows that Lennie is not listening, and even if he was, he couldnt remember and repeat what was being said anyway. Crooks is proud and doesnt want to admit that he is lonely or that the men are getting to him by calling him names and abusing him, If I say something, why its just a nigger saying it. When someone calls somebody something enough times a person will start to absorb the names and start to believe that there is some truth to what the person is saying about them. Crooks is treated like an animal. One Christmas time they let him into the bunkhouse and made him fight. The word let is used like letting an animal in for a treat. He then leaves after his fight, for his own room. The men just use him as entertainment. His life is always under threat because he means nothing them. Curleys wife plays a very prominent role in the book as she brings the death of Lennie and herself. She is not given a name through the whole book. This signifies how little everyone thinks of her. She is referred to as jail bait and slut by all the ranch hands. This is due to the manner she has adopted to befriend the men. She constantly flirts with any man she meets and being pretty at the same time, she is bound to get herself into some sort of trouble. She acts like this because she is lonely and it is her way of attracting attention to herself. The problem is that all the workers are afraid to talk to her because they fear what Curley would do to them if they did. Curley is always looking for a fight to show how much of man he is. If he got just the faint scent of her cheating on him he would fight. Nobody want to get on the wrong side of Curley because they know he is a good boxer and because he is the bosss son he can probably get anyone canned if he wants, In reality, Curleys wife doesnt actually like Curley and even admits to Lennie: I dont like Curley. She married him to show her mother that she could be independent and to get back at her for the letter that could have been her big break that she thinks her mother stole. Curleys wife is dreaming of what could have been, how she could have been in the movies and what a lifestyle she could have had. The marriage between Curley and Curleys wife is not based on love but on sexual attraction Curleys wife is also very lonely, that is why she is always skulking around the bunkhouse with the men. She needs someone to talk to; She uses the excuse that she is looking for her husband. In the end her loneliness is the end of her when she tries to talk to Lennie (much the same way as Crooks let out his thoughts to him). The climax of the book starts in the barn. The scene begins with Lennie worrying about his puppy which he has just killed accidentally. Curleys wife enters, as usual looking for someone to talk to. She begins telling Lennie her life story. All through the book she has been portrayed as a spiteful woman; foolin around with other guys, causin trouble., but here her true character comes out. Lennie ends up telling her about his love for soft things so she lets him stroke her hair. The other men can resist her charms but Lennie is not clever enough to know. Lennie strokes it a bit too vigorously and her panic affects Lennie. He breaks her neck by accident, then thinks that if he hides the puppy, which is used as a foreshadowing device to Curleys wifes death George will be more likely to let him tend his precious rabbits. This is sad and ironic, as Lennie cannot grasp the enormity of the thing he has just done. Curleys wife seemed peaceful after her death; the ache for attention were gone from her face. She was realised from her prison on the ranch and was now free and happy. When George hears, he despairs, for Lennie has ended their chance of achieving the impossible American Dream. One of the themes of this book is certainly loneliness. The people are segregated into groups. Age, disabilities, race and sex separate many people. Also the time of economic hardship forced men to look after number one. It made it very hard for the men to form friendships as they have very few responsibilities. The book is about the unusual friendship of George and Lennie who have nothing in common with each other apart from they share the American Dream. That is all that keeps them going. It is extremely sad when George is forced to kill Lennie because he was all that George had left. It was ironic because George had always spoken about what life would be like without Lennie; how he could be free. Now he had his wish he was devastated that he had had to kill the only friend that he had in the world.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Concern Of Toyota Vehicle Recall In Malaysia Marketing Essay

Concern Of Toyota Vehicle Recall In Malaysia Marketing Essay UMW Toyota Motor Sdn. Bhd is a joint company which is formed by several companies including UMW Holdings Berhad, Japans Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota TSUSHO Corporation. The company is prioritizing and engaging a process of manufacture or assembly, marketing and distribution vehicles. UMW Toyota commands pole position in the aggregate sales of non-national passenger cars, commercial vehicles and four-wheel drives in Malaysia. Their operations are guided by international best practices, based on the Toyota Guiding Principles. They adopt the highest standards in management, safety, employee welfare, environmental conservation and community relations. Issue Identification Since early 2010, Toyota has been performing a series of recalls of their vehicles such as Camry, Corolla, Lexus and Prius in several countries such as United States and Europe. The recalls are conducted as action to amend the issue of sticking acceleration pedal in floor mats for safety purposes. (Toyota News, 2010) The United States division of Toyota has been hardly slammed regarding to this on-going issue. In the same article from Time, a social worker from Tennessee, Rhonda Smith quoted Shame on you, Toyota, for being so greedy she said. (Time, 10). This statement is just a sample of current public perception towards Toyota in which Toyota has to take a recovery action. However, Malaysias Toyota Models are not affected by the recalls, except for Toyota Prius model. Toyota vehicles in Malaysia are Completely Knocked-Down (CKD) line, it means that all vehicles are locally assembled for the local market. Especially for Toyota Camry models, its sources components come from different suppliers and have different mechanical architectures compare to United States counterparts. (Autoworld, 2010). In a case of occurrence technical problems to Toyota Prius, Malaysia only recalled 60 units due to slight error in its ABC braking system. (Autoworld, 2010). It is entirely unrelated to the case of mass recalls over sticking accelerator pedal in floor mats. UMW Toyota Motor Sdn. Bhd. is now responsible to inform public especially Toyota owners that there is nothing to worry about. The omnipresence of foreign news in media and probably their lack of knowledge of a divide entity managing the Toyota brand in Malaysia have mislead and confused the public to actually believe that all Toyota models in worldwide are plagued with these impaired safety features. The focal point of the campaigns is to maintain the image of Malaysias Toyota. It might be a costly affair, however it hopefully will further save the company financially and reputation-wise in the long period. Target Audience Primary: Toyota vehicles owners We have chosen that  loyal  customers  of Toyota as the first  target  audience. We are well aware these loyal customers have put their trust in Toyotas products for years. With the recall issue like this, it affects their mindset and trust to Toyota products. Through  this campaign,  we  want to inform that Toyota Malaysia will always provide its best service for its loyal customers Secondary: Malaysia public (young and working adults specifically) This category is intended due to high demand of having personal ride among student and young workers. Those who are still thinking or might be interested in purchasing Toyota vehicles will not be disturbed by the preaching of Toyotas product recall issue. Tertiary: Media (local print and broadcast) Media is one of the most effective tools to notify and inform a broader audience whether it is in a form of print or broadcast. We all are aware the strength of media is able to influence publics opinion and perception. Through this medium, it will help to rebuild Toyota image and reinforce trust that Toyota has received from its customers and Malaysia public. Goals There is only single crucial goal that needs to be achieved through this campaign is: Rebuild and strengthen confidence in Toyota Objectives Several  objectives in the implementation of the campaign to facilitate the evaluation process are listed below: To inform public that the on-going recall issue does not affect Toyota Malaysia models.   To improve publics knowledge of safety and quality performance of Toyota vehicles  in Malaysia. To strengthen brand loyalty and positive perception between public and Toyota Malaysia. Key Messages Locally-assembled Toyota vehicles are not subjected for recall. All Toyota Malaysia models are assembled by local experts. The assembly of the vehicles and body parts are made in Malaysia. The sizes of accelerator pedals and floor mats of Toyota models in Malaysia are different from other countries. (UMW Toyota Motor) Toyota is conscious of the needs, comfort and safety of society. Toyota is well aware that driving comfort and safety is the most important factors for customers and public. Toyota is trying to prove once again that the public needs are the top priority in building strong and proper relationship. Strategy UMW Toyota will implement dual strategies to strengthen image of Toyota Malaysia and to inform public that the recall issue is not affected Malaysias vehicle models through the use of specialised tactics targeted at the media. These specialised tactics will promote the project through educating and informing the publics about the reasons they invested in it and what the target audience can obtain from it. The strategies are in the following: Media Campaign UMW Toyota will create this campaign that maintains the Toyota brands relationship with the public. Regardless, the fact that Toyota has always been there for its customers. Through this campaign, we hopefully will be able to inform Toyotas customers, wider public as well as media about the on-going recall issue and make sure that there is nothing to worry about. On-ground Promotion and Education Campaign Besides conducting a media campaign, on-ground promotion will also be held. So customers and public will be able to see and experience directly in practical ways on how Toyota maintain the safety and convenience of drivers through existing facilities. This strategy will educate public to maintain safety during driving. Tactics To achieve a successful campaign, UMW Toyota will have several tactics which attaches all key messages and to be able to deliver it to its customers, public and media coverage. Media Campaign Controlled media: Advertisement and Public Service Announcement. A new 30-second advertisement revolving around Toyota brand has been slated to continuously produce their vehicles. The advertisement will also have two variations, which will add up to a total of three advertisements. Additionally, all three advertisements will be presented in four languages which are Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil. These advertisements will be aired on television such as TV3 during Buletin Utamas commercial shots. Programmes of non-Bahasa Malaysia languages will be advertised on timeslots that are not considered primetime to save cost. There will a print advertisement on newspaper, within the first five pages of every publication such as Berita Harian, The Star, New Straits Times, Tamil Nisan, and Sin Chew Daily For Public Service Announcement, UMW Toyota will collaborate with Astros radio stations such as, Era, and THR Raga to present PSAs. These PSAs will have few messages about safety driving which supported by Toyota Malaysia and radio stations. This will cost minimal production because the stations are obligated to air PSAs. Uncontrolled Media: Media Release and Media Kits UMW Toyota will supply all Malaysias leading news agencies and automobile publication media releases and media kits that contain FAQs and feature stories. Interpersonal: Distributing Agents All licensed distributors will be equipped with media kits to enable their agents to be well-informed with the issue and should be able to answer any inquiries from customers. On-ground Promotion and Education Campaign Free Test Drive Session Toyota will hold a free test driving promotion for the drivers and let them to come to the nearest Toyota showroom around their living area and drive directly some vehicle models before deciding on the possibility to purchase Toyota vehicles. By doing a free test driving, people can instantly find out how safe and comfortable driving Toyota cars. Public will be more informed accurately and practically about the facilities provided by Toyota. By doing this action, public can also identify and prove that there are no constraints and technical problems occurred to Toyota Malaysia models. Moreover, customers can also check directly all the technical components system such as gas pedal, brake, clutch, lights, signal, wipers and so on. This will ensure them that Toyota Malaysia models are not experiencing any technical problem at all; it is stable and secure for a ride. Media release and media kits will also be handed out to public and media during the event to provide more information for those who do not really notice about the recall issue. Smart Driving Seminar UMW Toyota will hold a public seminar which is attended by experts in their fields of Toyota Malaysia. There will be a speech by a president of UMW Toyota Motor Sdn. Bhd., Ismet Suki. Through this event, public will be able to obtain more accurate information about how Toyota handles and maintains safety and comfort of drivers. The seminar will raise the topic regarding to any technical problems than often occur in vehicles. In this seminar, Toyota Malaysia will explain specifically several programmes they are running recently as an action to meet the needs of its customers. There will be a question and answer section between the participant and the spokesperson right after the speech done. Moreover, in this event, participants will also be taught on how to check all vehicles components step by step before travelling. These steps can educate public in order to improve their knowledge about road safety driving. Timeline This campaign will run for approximately six months, the schedule is outlined below: Task/2011 April May June July August September PSA Meeting PSA TV Ads Meeting TV Ads Print Ads Media Release Draft Media Kits FAQs Feature Story Free Test Drive Session Smart Driving Seminar Campaign Evaluation Budget 2011 Expenses Cost Public Service Announcement Have Toyotas name to be mentioned in 4 radio stations PSA for 4 months RM 20,000 (RM5000/Month) Advertisement Production of three ads in four languages Ads allocation on Buletin Utama (one month) Ads allocation in other languages on varying timeslots (one month) Newspapers advertising rate (two weeks) RM 120,000 RM 55,000 RM 25,000 RM 15,000 Free Test Drive Session Technical equipment and assistance fee (one month) RM 24,000 Smart Driving Seminar (twice in a month) Food and Beverages Technical equipment (speaker, projector, etc) Ushers fee RM 5,000 RM 5,000 RM 500 Media Release None Nil FAQ None Nil Feature Story None Nil Total costs RM 269,500 The total amount also includes the implementation fee for the campaign such as media monitoring, costs for the media release and media kits. Evaluation To determine how effective and successful campaign, there are some specific indicators which are used to measure the objective and the outcome of the campaign.The following indicators in which UMW Toyota Malaysia will use to evaluate are as follow: To inform public that the on-going recall issue does not affect Toyota Malaysia models.   A survey will be distributed to Toyota customers and public to see the number of them actually aware and heard of this on-going issue. This survey will determine public awareness of recall issue which is quite disturbing especially for Toyota customers. And by doing this campaign, hopefully we can determine whether public will get sort of consolation feelings and have nothing to be concerned about their Toyota vehicle afterward. To improve publics knowledge of safety and quality performance of Toyota vehicles  in Malaysia A survey questionnaire will be given to Toyotas customers and public who attend the free test driving session and smart driving seminar. They will be asked about how well their information and knowledge about safety driving before and after attending the events are. This will determine the level improvement of safety and quality performance of Toyota through their responses. To strengthen brand loyalty and positive perception between public and Toyota Malaysia Toyotas customers and public especially those who are attended the free test driving session and smart driving seminar will be handed out this survey. They will be asked to fill out some questionnaires regarding to on-going recall issue and give their perception about it as well as to see their enthusiasm towards the event and seminar. This action is conducted to see whether better perception and loyalty are achieved through this campaign.

Cases Against Mercer Canyons Inc

Cases Against Mercer Canyons Inc ABOUT THE COMPANY Mercer Canyons Inc. is a private company and operates as an agricultural firm. Located in Washington, the Firm provides carrot growing services to customers and has vineyards. Mercer Canyons also offers potatoes, grass seed, corn, garlic and organic products. CASES AGAINST COMPANY Mercer Canyons, Inc.s has been filed with breach of contract regarding recruitment and hiring of laborers in March 2014. There are two instances in which company has been filed cases against. These are: Ruiz Torres v. Mercer Canyons, Inc. filed in March 2014 Perez v. Mercer Canyons Inc. filed in January 2016 First will look at the Ruiz Torres issue which is regarding the Disclosure of Information and Underpayment of Jobs. RUIZ TORRES V. MERCER CANYON THE H-2A CLEARANCE ORDER Mercer Canyon undertook the H-2A temporary worker program which provides the domestic employers to hire workers from foreign country in order to fill their temporary agricultural jobs. For an employer to hire workers under this program, it first needs to submit a proposal clearance order to the State Workforce Agency (in Washington State, the Employment Security Department (ESD)), for review. Once the clearance order is accepted by the Workforce Agency, the employer needs to file an application for H-2A certification. An employers petition can only be approved if there are no sufficient local workers available. H-2A regulations asks employers to follow the duty, abide by the regulations and hire available local employees first. Mercer Canyon hired WAFLA to advise regarding the regulations of H-2A program. WAFLA- WA Farm Labor Association is a seasonal employers Premier HR association. WAFLA did all the procedures on behalf of Mercer Canyon. The clearance order was accepted and the company could employee the workers from March 24, 2013 to September 1, 2013 at $12.00 per hour. WAFLA assured that Mercer would comply with the regulations of the H-2A program (CIRCUIT, 2016). DISCUSSING THE BREACH There were 44 positions available under the H-2A program. Mercer hired only 22 domestic workers under the H-2A program. Among these, few were hired through WorkSource. WorkSource is and organization providing job referrals. Among the remaining 22 positions, Mercer hired only 19 foreign workers. These 19 workers arrived on May 2, 2013. Ruiz and Amador, the residents of Yakima Country applied to the company for work before the start date of the clearance order. They were qualified U.S. workers and were eligible for work under clearance order. These workers filed a suit in 2014 against Mercer Canyon, alleging that the company did not disclose the information regarding availability of higher- paying vineyard jobs under the H-2A temporary agricultural worker program and thereby misleading the local farm workers. Also, alleging that the company underpaid the domestic workers who were hired. On March 19, 2013, Amador went to Mercer Canyons offices and was informed by the Mercer employee that no work was available and he was never informed about the vineyard laborer jobs availability under the H-2A clearance order. Amadors claim was right because Mercer hired 19 foreign workers even though local workers were available for the job (casetext, n.d.). Ruiz Torres worked as a vineyard laborer at Mercer Canyons in 2012. He came back to the company to work again in 2013 as a vineyard laborer pursuant to the H-2A clearance order that paid $12 per hour. In his case, the company did not solicit his return as a vineyard laborer pursuant under H-2A clearance order and paid $9.88 per hour (casetext, n.d.). Judge Bastian certified an Inaccurate Information class and an Equal Pay subclass on April 8, 2015. The Inaccurate Information class, numbering approximately 600 individuals, includes the following members: All domestic migrant and seasonal farm workers who: 1) were employed as vineyard workers by Mercer Canyons in 2012; 2) sought employment at Mercer Canyons in 2013 between February 4 and June 15, 2013; or 3) performed vineyard work at Mercer Canyons between March 24 and September 15, 2013, and were not referred by WorkSource. Within this class, Plaintiffs identified an Equal Pay subclass, of approximately 200 individuals. This subclass is comprised of the following members: All domestic and seasonal farm workers who performed vineyard work between March 24 and September 15, 2013 for Mercer Canyons, were paid less than $12 per hour, and were not referred by WorkSource. The laborers were hired under the deceived workers class of certification which included following criteria: Workers who were employed by the company on 2012 Workers who sought employment at the company in 2013 before 50% of the Clearance Order Period elapsed Workers who were hired at the company in 2013 prior to 50% of the Clearance Order Period and were not referred by WorkSource This workers complaint fell under the violation of provisions of three Acts: Violating the Agricultural Workers Protection Act (AWPA) Violating the Washingtons Consumer Protection Act (CPA) Washington Wage Law Under Agriculture Workers Protection Act, section 1831 relates to seasonal agriculture workers and section 1831 relates to migrant agriculture workers. These sections state that: ÂÂ  No farm labor contractor, agricultural employer, or agricultural association shall knowingly provide false or misleading information to any seasonal agricultural worker concerning the terms, conditions, or existence of agricultural employment MERCER CANYONS TAKE Mercer Canyons appealed the decision on several grounds, including that several members of the class might not have been adversely affected because they would have not been hired or they may have not been seeking other non-vineyard positions at the time. Columbia Legal Services Attorney Lori Isley said that this case is about an employer taking advantage of the workers working in farm and who have contributed to the company and the community. He added that if the employer wants to benefit by hiring workers from forign labor market, employer has to abide by the rules (Federal Court Grants Class Action Status for Farm Workers Against Mercer Canyons for Unfair Deceptive Practices | Columbia Legal Services, 2015). HOW TO SOLVE Considering the issue, two questions are believed to provide the solution of the litigations: (1) Whether Mercer Canyons had a policy or practice to withhold information pertaining to H-2A jobs from job-seekers and current employees (2) Whether such withholding constituted providing false or misleading information concerning the existence of, or terms and conditions of, jobs . . . under the AWPA and CPA (CIRCUIT, 2016) Along with this a common question of Liability arises on the part of Mercer Canyon in the matter of disclosing the information on existence and pay-rate of the work under H-2A order. The individualized damages inquiries are common in the real-world scenario, especially in wage-and-hour disputes, and usually do not defeat certification. The laborers in this case had claimed the total amount of damage i.e. damaged caused to all class of laborers, rather than the individual calculations. Thus, mercer was made liable to the damages caused. Mercer had failed to keep the adequate records on accounting of each employees. It is a drawback for the company because company cannot show proof in the court. And the workers took the advantage of claiming an aggregate sum of money in the compensation. HOW DID MERCER SOLVE THE ISSUE The case was first taken at the district court where the court certified an Inaccurate Information class and an Equal Pay subclass, corresponding to plaintiffs claims. Then the case was taken to the federal court, where federal court agreed with the decision of the district court. Thus, despite of efforts by Mercer Canyons to prove themselves, they lost in February 2017 and decided to compensate $545,000 to the workers. A negligence on the part of the company lead it to pay a huge amount. WHAT NEXT CAN THEY DO TO BUID THE CONFIDENCE The company made a big mistake of not keeping the accounting records, the first thing the company needs to start with is to start maintaining the records of people and pay. Maintaining records helps and serves as a proof in cases like this Company needs to start abiding by the regulations of H-2A clearance order. And hence, hire the local employees first and pay proper wages. To ensure the confidence of the workers and other parties, company needs to have a proper communication among the parties regarding the issue. Explaining each party on what went wrong and what are the measures taken by the company to resolve the issue and make sure that such things does not arise in the future call of business. Company needs to keep one supervisor to keep a track of workers working on wage-pay. The supervisor can ensure on the workers satisfaction and can hear their problems. This would help the company solve any workers issue outside the court without getting into the companys reputation. PEREZ V MERCER CANYON On January 28, 2016, few plaintiffs filed a complaint against Mercer Canyon with respect to Mercers recruitment. These plaintiffs claim that Mercer Canyon asked them to appear for the interview. After the interview, they were asked to wait until they call for the start date and the rug test. Because of this the plaintiffs did not look for other job opportunities because they felt that their job at Mercer was approved. After a month, Mercer informed them that they are not selected for the job. Similar cases happened with few of the plaintiffs. Another plaintiff got selected after the interview and was waiting for the drug test. But then Mercer informed her that she is not hired because she left specific skills. Mercer in a way breached the contract by improper communication. The proceedings of this issue are yet to start. Mercer in this case does not abide by Good faith and Fair Dealings Standards. Mercer also excluded a class of people from being considered for an employment and thus engaged itself in Employment discrimination. Mercer Canyon should start gathering proper documents on its recruitment procedures to show proof in the court. It should also start gathering evidences and records. The company can also set the deal outside the court by making a negotiation with the plaintiffs. Both the cases look like one another in a way of miscommunication or employment discrimination. Because two cases are registered with the similar complaint, Mercer should focus on its communication to the employees and other parties. It needs to hire good staff members who are responsible for the proper flow of information among the company and to outside members. Company needs high concentration in managing the present or potential workers. REFERENCES (2015, April 09). Retrieved from Federal Court Grants Class Action Status for Farm Workers Against Mercer Canyons for Unfair Deceptive Practices | Columbia Legal Services: casetext. (n.d.). Retrieved from casetext: CIRCUIT, U. S. (2016). RUIZ TORRES V. MERCER CANYONS. Washington.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Manhattan Project :: essays research papers

On August 2nd 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to utilize a rare element, U-235, which might in turn be used to build a weapon. This weapon would be capable of power totally beyond the scope of mans’ vision. Ironically and sadly, it was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known only then as â€Å"The Manhattan Project.† Through the harness and development of the atom’s power, the Manhattan Project stands as a marker for man’s passage into an exciting and also terrifying age of nuclear power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Simply put, the Manhattan Project was committed to quick research and production that would yield a workable atomic bomb. â€Å"Over the course of six years, ranging from 1939 to 1945, more than two billion dollars were spent on the Manhattan Project. An additional seventy-six million dollars were spent by the Army Air Forces on Project SILVERPLATE. [ Project SILVERPLATE covered the modification of 46 B-29 bombers in support of the Manhattan Project, trained the personnel of the 509th composite bombing group, and provided logistical support for units based at Tinian Island, launching point for the attacks on Japan.]† (, 2001) The formulas for refining Uranium and putting together a working bomb were created and seen to their ends by some of the greatest minds of our time. Among these people to unleashed the power of the atomic bomb was J. Robert Oppenheimer. â€Å"J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904. After graduating from Harvard and studying under Ernest Rutherford at Cambridge University, Oppenheimer received his Ph.D. in Germany in 1925. In 1929, he returned to the United States to teach at the University of California Berkeley and at Cal Tech.† (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, 1998) In June 1942, Oppenheimer was appointed scientific director of the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer was the major force behind the Manhattan Project. He literally ran the show and saw to it that all of the great minds working on this project made their brainstorms work. He oversaw the entire project from its conception to its completion. Finally the day came when all at Los Alamos would find out whether or not â€Å"The Gadget† was either going to be the colossal dud of the century or perhaps change mankind forever.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Database Development :: essays research papers

Network Upgrade In order to resolve network related problems The Airframe Corporation (TAC) has decided to upgrade the existing network consisting of a mix of Token Ring and shred Ethernet hubs to a switched Ethernet network. The purpose of this paper is to discuss several aspects of the project plan for the upgrade. This discussion will be made in threes sections. Section one will include project definition, while section two will deal with work breakdown structure and estimated schedules, and section three will cover costing and risk analysis. The project definition will include a background and statement of need, project objectives, the mission and goals or the project, the project approach, the project organization, and a task responsibility matrix. The work breakown structure (WBS) will consist of a WBS chart, a task flow and critical path, a project schedule, and project reporting. The costing and risk analysis will contain a cost plan, a project baseline, performance measures, project evaluation and reporting, and project termination. Background and Statement of Need The project team has identified several issues with the current network infrastructure. The first is the availability and cost of token ring hardware. Ethernet is the dominant network topology and is included on many devices at no cost. Equipment with token ring interfaces can be found but are much more expensive. Another problem is that the current hardware is about 10 years old and is experiencing increased maintenance costs. Another problem is that the majority of the existing cable plant does not meet minimal category 5 standards. Project Objectives The project has been budgeted $200,000 for cable installation, labor and hardware and the timeframe for the project should not exceed six months. The network upgrade should be designed to support the companies needs for a minimum of seven years without major rework. The project will need to have minimal impact on the network operations, as a result much of the work will need to be accomplished after-hours or on weekends. Mission and Goals of Project The goals of the project are: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Increase network availability to 99.999%. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complete project within budget. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complete project on time. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upgrade category 3 cable plant to category 5e or better. Project Approach The project manager will assemble a team of individuals with the appropriate skills. Network engineering will design and build the network. A cable vendor will be selected by network engineering. Platform engineering will upgrade clients and desktops. Networking engineering will be responsible for selecting an equipment vendor, designing the network, locating a cable vendor, and identifying cable runs that need to be replaced.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cda Competency Goal # 1 Essays Examples

Competency Goal #1 To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment. One of the primary concerns in a preschool center based program is establishing and maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment. I will explain how I maintain this with examples in different areas and the goals I feel are important for a child to achieve. Two of the activities that I practice are fire safety and tornado drills. The purpose of fire/tornado drills is to let the children know where and what to do in case of and emergency situation.The most important reason for these drills enforces is to try and to teach the children to be calm and feel safe. We practice the drills monthly. The classroom is another area of significance for safety. The toys are checked daily, the room is clean and clutter free. The child’s personal belongings are put in his or her cubby and marked with their name. All medicines and chemicals are stored in a cabinet and are locked at all times. The room is set u p in a manner that my Para’s and I are able to supervise the children at all times. The telephone numbers of each child’s parents are in a file cabinet located next to the office phone.All emergency numbers are posted next to the office phone. The outdoor play area is checked daily for debris and equipment is in good and stable condition. We practice hygiene habits such as washing hands before and after meals, after the use of the bathroom and after they have their diaper changed. By establishing this habit at a young age, the children will grow-up developing cleanliness and pride in taking care of themselves. I use a private room separate from the classroom when changing diapers and use the Universal Safety precautions as well.The room is clean and tidy. The toys are washed weekly and the diaper area after each change with Clorox wipes and a disinfecting spray. This helps to keep germs from spreading. Good nutrition is essential in young children. Serving well balance d meals by choosing foods from the Food Pyramid (4 basic food groups) is important. All of our meals and snacks are provided through our school meal service and is pre-portioned for each child. I also use nutrition as an overall theme by doing activities like art, stories, and food tasting projects.The children sit at tables and chairs; also use silverware that is size appropriate. Meal time is a learning experience so all the children serve themselves family style. The actual room is set in an organized manner with open stations for the children to see materials and are able to play freely. All of the centers are labeled and books are shelved in an orderly fashion. I have developed a daily schedule and weekly themes to provide stimulation and knowledge. Having the room structured assists me to meet my goals as a lead teacher.

Inventory Systems Essay

To stay competitive in this technically advanced era, every organization ineluctably to impart an apt history scheme to administer the materials traveling inside and extracurricular their log yard. It may also go to an organization to increment the take of clams by episodically leashing the buy, cut-rate sale and the products. Let us discuss the cocktail dress of organization A, a newsprint pulverization located in India that adopted a perpetual parentage system to track the records and leaped huge profit in the previous(prenominal) few years.The company employed computerized ancestry software to perform the valuation. Researches conducted on inventory savings through 2003 to 2007 indicated $8100, $8353, $9302 and $9724. This shows a nasty increase in yearly profit. With a team work, we have compared the two of import inventory systems popularly known as perpetual and periodic systems. The two varied systems carry basic variation in executing the enumerateing proce ss with organisational transactions.To build up purchase documentation, a perpetual inventory method deals with the mathematical product account whereas the periodic method debits the purchase credit. While dealing with sales recording, a periodic method necessitates an additional inlet so as to debit the goods selling cost and to credit the retail inventory. twain the system holds individual advantageous. However, technological level incorporated in an organization is a key factor that determines the idle inventory system.As the organization A holds the capacitor to document real time transactions, a perpetual inventory method was the better(p) option. This system helps to record the sales instantly as the account vary perpetually. The periodic method possesses combined sales development till the period winds up and is transferred to the account on a monthly or yearly basis as elect by the company.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Innovation and creativity evaluation of Apple Corporation Essay

Economic harvest-tide and tuition of any country depends upon a well-knit pecuniary body. fiscal brass comprises, a set of sub- schemas of monetary institutions monetary foodstuffs, pecuniary instruments and run which help in the formation of large(p). Thus a fiscal goernance submits a mechanism by which nest egg argon transformed into investment fundss and it push aside be said that pecuniary schema of rules bend an significant habit in economic growth of the country by mobilizing surfeit funds and utilizing them terminationively for amentaceous purpose.The pecuniary schema is characterized by the strawman of integ localized, organized and regulated financial markets, and institutions that envision the short depot and retentive term financial needs of both the menage and corporate field. Both financial markets and financial institutions play an important role in the financial system by explanation various financial services to the community. The y lead in close combination with from each one opposite. monetary dodgingThe word system, in the term financial system, implies a set of complex and well connected or interlined institutions, agents, practices, markets, relationss, conveys, and liabilities in the economy. The financial system is concerned about silver, ack right awayledgment and finance-the three terms are intimately related yet are passably different from each other. Indian financial system consists of financial market, financial instruments and financial intermediation Role/ Functions of pecuniary System A financial system performs the hobby functions* It serves as a link surrounded by savers and investors. It helps in utilizing the mobilized savings of scattered savers in to a greater extent in force(p) and effective manner. It channelises go of saving into productive investment. * It assists in the selection of the projects to be financed and as well reviews the performance of such projects d etailically. * It provides payment mechanism for exchange of goods and services. * It provides a mechanism for the transfer of resources across geographical boundaries.It provides a mechanism for managing and controlling the find involved in mobilizing savings and allocating credit. * It promotes the act of capital formation by carry together the supply of saving and the drive for investible funds. * It helps in lowering the cost of transaction and increase returns. Reduce cost motives hoi polloi to save more. * It provides you detailed information to the operators/ players in the market such as individuals, channel houses, g everywherenments etc. Components/ Constituents of Indian Financial system The watch overing are the four important(prenominal) components of Indian Financial system 1.Financial institutions 2. Financial Markets 3. Financial Instruments/Assets/Securities 4. Financial Services. Financial institutions Financial institutions are the intermediaries who fa cilitates smooth work of the financial system by do investors and borrowers meet. They mobilize savings of the surplus units and deal them in productive activities promising a better rate of return. Financial institutions too provide services to entities seeking advises on various issues ranging from restructuring to diversification plans.They provide all range of services to the entities who want to chew up funds from the markets elsewhere. Financial institutions act as financial intermediaries because they act as middlemen amid savers and borrowers. Were these financial institutions may be of Banking or Non-Banking institutions. Financial Markets Finance is a necessary for modern business and financial institutions play a vital role in economic system. Its through with(predicate) financial markets the financial system of an economy works. The main functions of financial markets are.To facilitate creation and allocation of credit and liquidity 2. to serve as intermediaries for mobilization of savings 3. to assist do of balanced economic growth 4. to provide financial convenience Financial Instruments other important constituent of financial system is financial instruments. They represent a claim against the future income and wealth of others. It will be a claim against a psyche or an institutions, for the payment of the some of the bullion at a specified future date. Financial ServicesEfficiency of emerging financial system mostly depends upon the tonicity and variety of financial services provided by financial intermediaries. The term financial services can be defined as activites, benefits and satisfaction connected with sale of money, that offers to users and customers, financial related value. Pre-reforms Phase Until the be terms 1990s, the role of the financial system in India was primarily restricted to the function of channeling resources from the surplus to shortage sectors.Whereas the financial system performed this role reasonably well, its operations came to be tag by some serious deficiencies over the years. The banking sector suffered from lack of tilt, low capital base, low Productivity and high intermediation cost. After the nationalization of large banks in 1969 and 1980, the political science-owned banks dominated the banking sector. The role of technology was borderline and the quality of service was not presumption adequate importance. Banks besides did not follow proper risk management systems and the prudent standards were weak.All these resulted in poor asset quality and low profitability. Among non-banking financial intermediaries, development finance institutions (DFIs) operated in an over-protected environment with n archaean of the funding flood tide from assured sources at concessional terms. In the insurance sector, in that respect was bittie competition. The mutual fund industry also suffered from lack of competition and was dominated for long by one institution, viz. , the unit Trust of India. Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) grew rapidly, but thither was no regulation of their asset side.Financial markets were characterized by control over set of financial assets, barriers to entry, high transaction cost and restrictions on movement of funds/participants amid the market segments. This apart from inhibiting the development of the markets also affected their energy. Financial Sector Reforms in India It was in this backdrop that wide-ranging financial sector reforms in India were introduced as an entire part of the economic reforms initiated in the early 1990s with a view to improving the macroeconomic performance of the economy.The reforms in the financial sector focused on creating efficient and stable financial institutions and markets. The approach to financial sector reforms in India was one of dilatory and non-disruptive progress through a informative process. The Reserve Bank has been consistently works towards setting an enabling regu latory manakin with prompt and effective supervision, development of scientific and institutional infrastructure, as well as changing the interface with the market participants through a consultative process.Persistent efforts fox been made towards adoption of international benchmarks as appropriate to Indian conditions. While received changes in the legal infrastructure are yet to be effected, the developments so removed have brought the Indian financial system closer to global standards. The reform of the quest regime constitutes an integral part of the financial sector reform. With the onset of financial sector reforms, the touch on rate regime has been largely deregulated with a view towards better charge discovery and efficient resource allocation.Initially, stairs were taken to develop the domestic money market and freeing of the money market rates. The interest rates offered on government activity securities were progressively raised so that the Government borrowing could be carried out at market-related rates. In respect of banks, a study effort was undertaken to simplify the administered structure of interest rates. Banks now have sufficient flexibility to decide their stick around and lending rate structures and manage their assets and liabilities accordingly.At present, apart from savings account and NRE deposit on the deposit side and export credit and trivial loans on the lending side, all other interest rates are deregulated. Indian banking system operated for a long time with high reserve requirements both in the form of Cash Reserve proportion (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR). This was a consequence of the high fiscal deficit and a high degree of monetisation of fiscal deficit. The efforts in the recent period have been to lower both the CRR and SLR.The statutory token(prenominal) of 25 per cent for SLR has already been reached, and while the Reserve Bank continues to heed its medium-term objective of reducing the CRR to the statutory minimum level of 3. 0 per cent, the CRR of SCBs is currently set(p) at 5. 0 per cent of NDTL. As part of the reforms programme, due attention has been assumption to diversification of ownership leading to great market accountability and improved efficiency. Initially, there was infusion of capital by the Government in public sector banks, which was followed by expanding the capital base with equity fellowship by the clandestine investors.This was followed by a reduction in the Government deal outholding in public sector banks to 51 per cent. Consequently, the share of the public sector banks in the total assets of the banking sector has come cut down from 90 per cent in 1991 to around 75 per cent in2004. With a view to enhancing efficiency and productivity through competition, guidelines were laid down for establishment of new banks in the hush-hush sector and the foreign banks have been allowed more liberal entry. Since 1993, twelve new private sector banks h ave been set up.As a major step towards enhancing competition in the banking sector, foreign direct investment in the private sector banks is now allowed up to 74 per cent, subject to deference with the guidelines issued from time to time. Conclusion The Indian financial system has undergone structural transformation over the past decade. The financial sector has acquired strength, efficiency and stability by the combined effect of competition, regulatory measures, and policy environment. While competition, integrating and convergence have been recognized as the key drivers of the banking sector in the coming years